Sunday, June 4, 2017

Weekend wrapup

In celebration of my upcoming birthday, during which I turn old as hell, I went to dinner at BFF Carla's house with BFF Sara.

We had a lovely evening.  Lots of laughter, lots of great food, a couple of beers.  Carla made Rhubarb custard bars.  These were delicious enough that I could probably go ahead and die happy now.  Seriously.  I can't be trusted with a pan of those things EVER.

Sara gave me a lovely birthday gift.  A yarn that combines 2 of my favorite things.  Yarn and Gilmore Girls.  Oy With The Poodles Already.

My knitting mojo has been a bit absent, but damned if i didn't wind and cast on socks right away.  I should have some project photos of this upcoming.

I didn't get into the second color of accidental hat but I DID get the white yarn spun and plied.  The yarn is NOT THAT GREAT actually. But I'm getting better.


  1. Sounds like a great weekend! I did a whole lot of not much. And I'm okay with that!


You guys

I finished big scary designation #1.  I'm so happy to be done.  Now I'm knitting a brioche cowl that I just effed up. Tink tink tin...