Saturday, July 22, 2017

I'm working on it, anyway.

I just got back from visiting my family in the motherland (Iowa.)  Husband couldn't come along with us, but my kid came with me this time.  He enjoyed some quality cousin time.  I hung out with my sisters, drank a lot of beer, said "fuck" a lot and threatened to steal puppies. For reals.  Someday my sister is going to be missing Mavis and I will be up here teaching that adorable little shit to high five when the Badgers score.

I brought some knitting along with me but didn't make a ton of progress.  it was mostly along for the ride. My slump is pretty hard core these days.  I worked a bit on the left front of the baby sweater down there, but otherwise hadn't really made any progress.  Also, I suck at pattern reading so I tore out much of what I worked on over there.

When I got home, my textbooks for course from hell #7 (of 9) came in and all of a sudden I am "KNIT ALL THE TIME!"  Procrastination is a powerful tool.  I'd rather do almost anything rather than work on that class.   for example, I cleaned my kitchen.  So in 4 months when I have to test or die.  I'm going to be filled with regret but I will probably have some finished knitting.  Maybe I will have even finished spinning all that alpaca I have on the every so judgemental yarn bookcase.

With procrastination nipping at my heels over the the past few days, I finished the left front of the baby sweater, finished the right front of the baby sweater, started sleeve #1, accused the pattern designer of crack addiction (I'm pretty sure I'm right about that) and finished my 'Oy With The Socks Already.'  I freaking love them.   BFF gave me the yarn for my birthday.  With friends with taste like that, who even cares if you are getting to be as old as hell.  Bonus for fun yarn named for Gilmore Girls. (yarn is Oy, with the Poodles Already)

Check them out.

I also did some spinning.  I had some yak and something blend roving and I finally turned it into a yarn.  It came out ok, but not great.  I'm super impatient with my progress at spinning.  Here's what the singles looked like.

 My second single was a lot less even than the first for no good reason at all.  Sonofabitch.  It's still on the spool, but here's the plied yarn.  It's a usable yarn for sure, but it's got some serious slubs.  I hate slubs.

This morning, husband and I went to the Farmer's Market while the kid was at a sleepover.  While there, I got a giant iced coffee.  I added half and half which feels like such a luxury after months of 2% in my coffee.  Most places, your large iced beverage is about 20 oz.  This one was at least 28 oz. I love coffee shops with legit large drinks. <3  There is no amount of coffee that, in a single serving, would be likely to be considered too large a portion.

After we retrieved the kid, we headed over to the fair to walk around, eat some junk food, watch some shows.   Fun fact about me.  No thrill shows are ok with me.  There was a motorcycle stunt show.  No lie, watching them jump the ramps, I cried like 6 times.  My brain just says 'Oh man, I'm not here to watch someone die!" so yeah, it's a little intense for me.

It's a good day, I'm sun-burnt to a ridiculous extreme, but when am I not if I've been outside more than 5 minutes?

What did you all do with your Saturday?

1 comment:

  1. Umm.... Nothing much. I picked up and installed the new modem/router.


You guys

I finished big scary designation #1.  I'm so happy to be done.  Now I'm knitting a brioche cowl that I just effed up. Tink tink tin...