Thursday, May 11, 2017

Morning Coffee

On a normal day, I drink between 5-6 cups of coffee.  I'm sure that has nothing to do with my persistent insomnia. 

My good buddy insomnia has been around since before I developed a taste for coffee, but I'm sure that it doesn't help me sleep overall.

For the past several weeks, I've been sitting at about 5 hours of sleep.  In an effort to add an hour or two of sleep to my day, I've scaled back.  I'm now at about 2 cups of drip coffee per day.  Oh coffee, how I miss you.

I'm wondering if my willingness to drink only 2 cups of coffee has anything to do with the following changes.
  1. Husband picked out the coffee- which means he went for a standby at Costco, vs. one of my more preferred blends.
  2. I recently switched from milk in my coffee to coconut milk.- I'm trying to consume less dairy.
I think I need to get myself to my favorite local coffee shop, True  and get some proper coffee, ground for the french press.  Because if I'm going to ruin my day by drinking only 2 cups of coffee, I want those two cups to be freaking delicious.

I'm going to have to stew on if I want to continue with the coconut milk in my coffee.  I think if the underlying coffee was better, I'd find some more happiness with the coconut milk.

As for knitting.  I didn't even TOUCH yarn yesterday.  I have like 8 works in progress, but to be really honest ALL of them are boring to me.  I need something that will light my hands on fire.  Or I could grow up a little and realize that I don't have to be like wildly excited about everything I'm working on.  But COME ON MAN, can't I just be excited about one thing at this time?

Or maybe I should just let my WIPs stew and focus on spinning up some of my roving.  I've got a good chunk of combed top wool in both red and white, a big bag of fawn colored alpaca and some yak blend, all of which are dying to be spun.  I need to finish the combed top and then  Navajo ply it and then find some reason to knit it.  When I bought that combed top, my thought was to make my husband a Badger hat.  So maybe I will.

I think as a general rule, I need to set a day that I spin so I'm always spinning something. And so that I'm improving my skills.

I also need to really work on some Craftsy classes that I picked up a few weeks ago, including a class lead by the delightful Lucy Neatby.  I saw Lucy speak at a Madison Knitter's Guild meeting and I have SUCH a knitter's crush on her.  And most especially on her skill.  Because

She's a freaking genius.

And this:

I don't even want to say I want to be Lucy when I grow up because I don't think I have the chops.  I'd settle for being good enough to knit that blanket up there.  Someday.

*photos are lifted from Lucy Neatby's site for the pure fangirl nature of my affection for her*

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