Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Well, this isn't ideal.

I'm getting like 30 minutes less sleep on a daily basis.  If htis continues, in very short order, I will have given up sleep full stop.

Related:  Due to increased lack of sleep, I've really ramped up my caffeine consumption.  I LOVE COFFEE.

I got up at 4:30 this morning but not out of bed until 4:52.  I made delicious coffee and started my day.

Two cups in, husband killed the pot and made the next one using the cheap coffee he prefers.  My third and fourth cups of coffee were less delicious.

Side note:  I'm doing a self taper on depression and anxiety meds because they don't seem to help me.  I plan to replace this with yoga, meditation and cardio.  I'm all about self care.

On the knitting front, I've been knitting the hell out of the tulip tank but also studying on course from hell 7 of 9.  So weekday knitting is largely out.

I added like 40 podcasts to my follow list and so I'm WAY behind on my listening.  It will probably take about 2 months to fully catch up.

I picked up some roving to spin for Sara's Christmas present.  I'm pretty jazzed to get working on that.  It's going to be random.  I am aiming for light fingering two ply.  I need a better wheel so that i can spin it all laceweight and then ply it to sock or better with a kate.


  1. I've considered selling the wheel and donating the proceeds to BLM in their name so they get a thank you note. I'm just not sure I'm ready to burn it all down.

  2. I know how you love hearing about it from that direction.

  3. I'll hear about something anyway. Might as well be entertaining.


You guys

I finished big scary designation #1.  I'm so happy to be done.  Now I'm knitting a brioche cowl that I just effed up. Tink tink tin...